Frequently Asked Questions
Frequently Asked Questions
Here are a few of the commonly ask questions we receive, hopefully you’ll find the answer you’re looking for but if you don’t please contact us to help you further.
How do I apply?
Simply call and speak to a member of our team on 01377 258 067 option 2 or email
How quickly will I get a decision?
We aim to give a decision as soon as possible but you can expect to know within 24 hours once we have received all the relevant information.
What equipment will you consider?
We will consider agricultural, plant and construction machinery, commercial vehicles and other specialist equipment.
What contract periods do you offer?
Our minimum contract period is 24 months and our maximum contract period is 60 months.
What information do you need to make a decision?
We will need permission to carry out our own background checks, proofs of identity and the last three months bank statements as a minimum. Each acceptance will have its own criteria from the underwriter on what information is required for us to provide the finance.
What are you going to be looking for on my bank statements?
As a responsible lender we are checking that the business is generating enough to keep up with the finance repayments.
What if I have a CCJ?
We are not a computer generated system, we have people who make the decisions so we will get to know your circumstances and use our judgement on whether or not your CCJ would affect you getting finance.
What is the minimum and maximum amount you will consider?
Anything over £5,000

Giving business the credit it deserves
Giving business the credit it deserves

Catfoss Finance Limited
Elite House
East Yorkshire
YO25 5UP
Companies House Registered Number: 04218973
01377 258067
Business Hours
Monday to Friday
from 9am to 5pm